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I made a list of every crime committed in The Office and it only took seven months

Below I’ve listed every law that was broken in The Office (from destruction of property and battery to homicide and kidnapping) whether legal action was taken or not, as well as ideas that people had that were illegal; I’m not a legal expert, I just have a lot of much free time (I labeled the episodes the same way that Netflix does.)
S1E3: Dwight claims that multiple people in the office forged medical forms for their health insurance plans
S1E6: Michael claims that Dunder Mifflin employees in the 80’s constantly used cocaine
S2E1: Pam, Kelly, and Phyllis reveal that there is something written on the women’s bathroom wall, later Pam reveals to Jim that she was the one who wrote it; people throw food at Michael (would fall under battery)
S2E2: Packer reveals that he’s been convicted of a DUI
S2E3: Dwight reveals that sometimes teenagers use his farm for sex (depending on their ages, this may be illegal as the Pennsylvania age of consent is sixteen)
S2E6: Dwight punches Michael in the stomach twice with considerable force (Michael does bait him into doing it though)
S2E8: Jim punctures a hole in Dwight’s “fitness orb” with a pair of scissors; it is implied that a former accountant killed himself; Dwight reveals that he made a copy of Michael’s key to the office
S2E10: Meredith flashes Michael in his office
S2E11: Michael tells everyone on the cruise that the ship is sinking when there’s no danger (creating a false panic is illegal in most cases)
S2E12: Dwight crashes his car into a telephone pole outside of the office and leaves his bumper in the street
S2E14: Michael says that Packer once held a man’s head into a toilet; it is also implied that Packer was the one who defecated in Michael’s office
S2E15: Michael causes lots of damage in the warehouse by improperly using the lift (he also doesn’t have a license to operate it)
S2E16: Michael jaywalks (technically illegal though typically not enforced); Michael comments that someone was pooping in a cardboard box in the subway
S2E17: Dwight tackles Ryan, Creed, and Stanley to the ground
S2E19: Michael finds out that he’s involved in a pyramid scheme
S2E20: Dwight finds a joint in the parking lot (Pennsylvania didn’t make steps to decriminalize marijuana until 2014); Michael believes he unknowingly smoked marijuana at a concert; Dwight gives Michael some of his urine so that he can pass a drug test
S2E21: Creed faces sideways after his company photo is taken, implying that he’s been arrested in the past
S2E22: Creed steals casino chips and also admits to stealing things all of the time; Dwight kisses Angela and she hits him in response (though it seems like both parties were okay with the outcome)
S3E1: Roy reveals that he was arrested for drunk driving
S3E4: Creed reveals that the reason Ed Truck got decapitated was because he was driving drunk (though this was never confirmed and Creed tends to lie); the bird funeral is lit on fire (probably illegal as they did not have a permit and it was mainly paper and not wood)
S3E5: Ryan and Dwight egg the front of Axelrod Ltd’s building
S3E6: Jim rides his bike drunk (believe it or not, this is actually illegal)
S3E7: Creed sells office equipment
S3E8: Andy steals a computer from the Stamford office; after poking holes in everyone’s tires, Michael claims it was Vance Refrigeration workers that did it
S3E9: It is revealed that Martin went to jail for insider trading; Kevin admits that insider trading sounds a lot like what he does as well
S3E10: Creed removes a present from the charity box (removing uncollected items from charity drives is theft); Pam reveals that she has been sending fake letters from the CIA to Dwight, Jim later gets involved (illegal to pass yourself off as a CIA agent)
S3E13: Andy punches a hole through the wall
S3E16: Michael reveals that his eighth grade teacher hooked up with at least thirteen students; Dwight reveals that he hunted a werewolf as a child, but it’s more likely that he killed his neighbor’s dog; Dwight traps a bat in a bag over Meredith’s head
S3E17: Creed reveals that he has a side business where he makes fake IDs for teens; Creed also reveals that he stole a laminating machine from the sheriff’s station; Dwight accidentally damages David’s roof while inspecting the chimney; Roy and his brother destroy multiple objects in a bar including a mirror, a chair, and multiple glasses (Roy’s brother later reveals that he paid off the bar owner to not call the cops on them)
S3E18: Roy attempts to assault Jim in the office after finding out he kissed Pam; Dwight uses pepper spray on Roy when he attempts to assault Jim (this was done defense of Jim however); Jim reveals that Dwight has weapons such as nunchucks and throwing stars hidden in the office; Dwight uses pepper spray against Andy; Dwight is found to have more weapons hidden in his desk such as brass knuckles, a police baton, and a taser
S3E19: Darryl reveals that Michael once kicked a ladder out from under him and caused him to break his ankle; Michael accidentally smashes a watermelon on the roof of someone’s car; Michael tries to convince the office that he’s going to commit suicide
S3E20: A former Dunder Mifflin employee from the paper mill put a watermark of two cartoon animals having sex on about five-hundred boxes-worth of paper; Creed frames Debbie Brown from the paper mill for not catching the watermark on the paper, which results in her termination; it was revealed that Andy was unknowingly dating a high schooler (only illegal if they had sexual contact); Andy reveals that he and his high school girlfriend knocked over a mailbox with her friends
S3E21: Phyllis claims that she was flashed by a man in the parking lot; when Jim calls the police to report the flasher, he says that the police have already gotten three calls; Creed implies that he has flashed people in the past; Jan offers Michael money in return for him driving to New York and having sex (it is illegal to accept or pay money for sex, even if the other person is not a prostitute); Meredith throws her trash out of her car window onto the street while also driving recklessly; while parking her car, Meredith scrapes another car; Creed reveals that he uses the women’s bathroom for bowel movements and has “paid dearly” for it in the past; Dwight and Andy put up barbed wire on the parking lot fence of the office (using barbed wire is typically illegal if the fence is adjacent to a public street)
S3E22: Michael lights a bonfire on the beach (he likely did not have a fire permit)
S3E23: Jim and Karen sneak into a theater to see the second half of Spamalot (would technically burglary, believe it or not, since they snuck in with the intent of stealing services); Jan claims that the reason she is being fired from Dunder Mifflin is because of her breast implants (though David says it is because of her work ethic)
S4E1: Michael hits Meredith with his car and fractures her pelvis; Dwight attempts to mercy kill Angela’s cat by trapping it in her freezer
S4E2: Michael claims that when he was a child, he had a foreign exchange student living with him that stole all of his blue jeans when he went back to his home country; Kelly tells Ryan that she is pregnant with his child in an attempt to get him to go on a date with her (this could fall under intentional infliction of emotional distress)
S4E3: Michael and Dwight detain the pizza deliveryman in the office conference room; Dwight reveals that the pizza deliveryman steals hemp from his farm; Andy reveals that he stole the ice sculpture he brought to the party; Michael and Dwight steal a tray of sushi and some accessories from a restaurant
S4E4: Dwight admits that the permits on the bed and breakfast side of Schrute Farms are still pending even though he is actively taking customers; Creed reveals that he has a second identity that he transfers his debt to; Michael and Jan are likely trespassing while they are sitting on the stationed train
S4E6: Dwight attempts to create molotov cocktails to throw in the Utica office; Michael drives recklessly on the highway; while stealing the Utica branch’s industrial copier, Michael and Dwight break it; Dwight reveals more weapons that he has in the office, including a pack of knives, a pair of sai, a sword, and a blowdart (having these weapons in the open is not illegal, but concealing them is)
S4E8: Michael purgers himself during Jan’s deposition
S4E9: Jan throws a Dundie at Michael’s TV and breaks it
S4E10: It is revealed that the model from Micahel’s chair catalog died in a car accident (Dwight says that she was stoned at the time and crashed into the side of an airplane hanger)
S4E11: Ryan states that the Dunder Mifflin website was infiltrated by sexual predators (only illegal if they used it to transmit child pornography or arrange meetings with minors with the intent of sexual contact); it is heavily implied that Ryan and his friend Troy are under the influence of cocaine
S4E12: Michael places his face in wet cement outside of the office (would be considered destruction of property)
S4E13: Andy drives a golf cart recklessly and ends up destroying its roof (and potentially the cart as well)
S4E14: Jim sets up Dwight’s cell and work phones to go to his Bluetooth and pretends to be him when clients call (could fall under criminal impersonation); Ryan commits fraud by having people re-record sales and is arrested for it; Dwight, Meredith, and Mose release a raccoon into Holly’s car (only illegal if it does damage to her car)
S5E1: Phyllis blackmails Angela by threatening to reveal Angela and Dwight’s affair unless she lets Phyllis run the Party Planning Committee
S5E3: Kelly reveals that she downloads pirated music onto her work computer, to which Michael responds, “who hasn’t”; Meredith reveals that she’s been sleeping with a supplier in exchange for discounts on supplies and Outback Steakhouse gift certificates (could fall under the scope of prostitution); Michael threatens to kill everyone if they don’t go to the conference room
S5E4: Dwight tries to destroy Jan’s $1,200 stroller
S5E5: The office is robbed after Michael and Holly forget to lock the office’s front door; Creed implies that he made the last person who stole from him disappear, and that he stole the identity Creed Bratton from them
S5E7: Kelly falsifies customer surveys regarding Jim and Dwight
S5E9: Michael attempts to purchase marijuana from two Vance Refrigeration workers, and they trick him into buying a salad in a bag rather than drugs (intent to purchase illegal drugs is illegal, and so is selling counterfeit drugs); Michael and Dwight attempt to frame Toby with drug trafficking and possession of marijuana; when the cops arrive, Creed becomes incredibly worried that he’ll be arrested, implying that he either has drugs in the office, or is a drug dealer
S5E10: Dwight tricks Angela into marrying him (this would be considered fraudulently inducing someone into marriage)
S5E11: Creed is seen smoking out of a pipe likely containing kif, which has cannabis in it; Creed says that he can get fire permits very quickly, implying that they are possibly fake; Michael forces Meredith into going to a rehab facility (technically falls under the definition of kidnapping)
S5E12: Jim uncovers more weapons that Dwight has hidden throughout the office; Andy pins Dwight against a fence with his car, Dwight dents Andy’s car
S5E13: Jim connects a red wire to Dwight’s computer which leads outside to the top of the power pole (would qualify as vandalism to the pole); Michael and Dwight attempt to learn information about a competitor under the guise of a potential customer and potential employee (could be considered corporate espionage, but I couldn’t find any specifics)
S5E14: Dwight induces panic law by simulating a fire in the office, he additionally damages multiple doors and cuts the phone wires; during the fire drill, multiple office employees damage items in the office including ceiling tiles, the copier machine, and the vending machine; Dwight reveals that he is planning a bomb scare; Dwight is shown to have a hunting knife strapped to his ankle, and he uses this knife to cut apart the CPR dummy (though corporate payed for the damages to the dummy); Andy, Jim, and Pam watch a pirated film
S5E15: Dwight buys cookies from Toby in exchange for him signing a form (quid pro quo on this is illegal); Dwight attempts to have his coworkers sign his form under the guise of it being a sign-in sheet; Michael throws full slices of bread on the ground to feed pigeons (it was winter and there were no birds, so this could be considered littering)
S5E16: Jim cuts the cord that connects Michael’s phone to the office’s PA system; Dwight finds out that Kelly went to juvenile detention when she was younger; Creed gives Jim a $3 bill (counterfeit money is illegal)
S5E17: Creed says he knows where to buy a kid for $7,000; it’s revealed that the reason Kelly was in juvenile detention was because she stole her boyfriend’s father’s boat; Michael cuts off a sleeve from Holly’s sweater; Michael also takes a file off of Holly’s computer (would be classified as unauthorized computer access)
S5E18: Phyllis and Bob have sex in a restaurant bathroom (this is technically public sex which is a misdemeanor); Creed steals a bag of blood from the blood drive
S5E19: Dwight slaps Michael; Jim slaps Dwight
S5E20: Dwight pretends to have kidnapped David’s son
S5E21: Michael sneaks back into the office after being asked to leave (technically trespassing as it is private property and he was escorted out of the building)
S5E22: Michael breaks his condominium agreement by having the Michael Scott Paper Company located within his condo (though the owner only sent a warning that he needed to stop); Ryan steals three pairs of bowling shoes before he quits the bowling alley; Michael asks Billy to sell him a ‘secret office space’ off of the books within the Scranton Business Park
S5E23: Dwight claims that a woman named Haddie McGonagle was murdered in the Dunder Mifflin office space in 1816 (though he probably made this up)
S5E24: Dwight steals supplies and files from the Michael Scott Paper Company’s office
S5E26: While fixing her dress, Meredith accidentally reveals one of her breasts, as well as her crotch and her backside (was accidental, but could be considered public indecency)
S5E27: Dwight cuts open the back of Phyllis’ blouse so he can give her a massage; Creed reveals that he doesn’t have any mirrors in his car that let him see behind the car (in Pennsylvania, it is illegal to drive without at least one mirror that lets you see behind the car)
S5E28: Dwight’s friend Rolph once inquired about shoes that increased speed and didn’t leave any tracks, implying that he was going to commit a crime
S6E1: Stanley wrecks Michael’s car with a tire iron
S6E2: Dwight and Toby accidentally crash into a few trash cans outside Darryl’s house; Dwight uncovers that the real cause of Darryl’s injury was from misuse of company equipment
S6E4: Michael ties full beer cans to the back of his car which left debris all over the road; Dwight implies that Mose is going to be castrating horses (only legal if Mose has a veterinary license, which is unlikely); Dwight also claims that he has a device which can make hamburgers out of horse meat without killing the horse (likely animal cruelty)
S6E5: The Niagara Falls hotel staff incinerated Kevin’s shoes (they claim they did it because it was a safety issue); Dwight gifts a turtle to Jim and Pam for their wedding and appears to not have made any holes in the box (likely animal cruelty); Dwight accidentally kicks Isabel in the face while dancing
S6E6: While answering Jim’s phone, Kevin pretends to be Jim and accidentally cancels his credit cards
S6E7: Dwight secretly records the conversations in Jim’s office (Pennsylvania has a two-party consent law which means that all parties in the conversations must consent to being recorded); Andy talks about a 60 Minutes segment that went into working conditions of a paper mill in Peru (the 60 Minutes segment likely went into illegal conditions within the mill)
S6E8: Meredith reveals that she has had sex with a known terrorist; while writing down things that people don’t want to be made fun of for, Creed says that if he writes his down, he cannot be charged for it; a custodian reveals that when Michael fell into the koi pond, he accidentally killed one of the fish
S6E9: Ryan shows Erin a topless photo of Kelly in the office (could be considered indecent exposure since it was in a public space within the office); Creed implies that a shipping order was never supposed to reach it’s location, possibly indicating that he stole a shipment
S6E10: Creed flees the office when Michael tells him that there was a murder and that he was a suspect, implying that he may be involved in a murder
S6E12: Dwight secretly records a phone call between Jim and David
S6E13: As part of Secret Santa, Andy gives Erin the Twelve Days of Christmas, inadvertently resulting in physical injury to her and potentially her home and car; Creed implies that he’s done “evil” things; Michael says that he has often claimed to be David’s childrens’ pediatrician to get him on the phone
S6E16: Andy accidentally gives Meredith a large paper cut on her throat; Ryan implies to Dwight that they should torture Jim
S6E17: While escorting Jim and Pam to the hospital, Dwight puts a police light on the top of his car; Michael uses his phone to text and make a call while driving; when being pulled over, Dwight throws multiple large weapons out his window; Michael parks in an ambulance-only parking spot
S6E18: Dwight breaks a window to enter Jim and Pam’s home; after breaking in, Dwight discovers mold in their home and destroys walls and cabinets with a crew of workers so he can refurbish their kitchen; Jim comments that he had five parking tickets on his windshield
S6E20: Creed tries to act casual when Michael announces that the lost and found has gone missing, implying he may have stolen it; Andy aggressively tries to take a pen from Darryl (could be considered battery); Dwight strangles Kevin in an attempt to get information from him; Michael and Dwight, and then later Andy and Erin, walk around the Scranton dump (would be considered trespassing); Michael and Dwight throw large pieces of garbage at each other; Michael and Dwight take two chairs from the dump
S6E21: Phyllis claims she likes getting men to flirt with her so that Bob will beat them up; Michael accidentally damages multiple objects while being reckless at the bar; Dwight breaks his contract with Angela (unsure as to whether a lawyer was involved with the first contract, but Angela served Dwight with a summons for breaking it, leading me to believe it was legitimate); Hide admits that he killed a Yakuza boss on purpose and then came to America illegally
S6E22: Meredith steals and uses Pam’s breast pump
S6E24: Michael hires Dwight to follow Donna around to see if she’s cheating on him (following someone isn’t illega, but it could be considered stalking or harassment); Creed implies that he’s committed crimes for low levels of reward; Michael says he’s going to kill the guy who’s kissing Donna in her Facebook photo (though he immediately takes it back)
S6E25: Michael keeps throwing out radon kits that Toby put around the office; Michael once again claims that he would kill Toby; Dwight claims that his money is buried underneath someone (though we don’t know if this is a grave or a buried corpse); Dwight and Angela’s lawyer comments that their sex contract is dangerously close to prostitution and illegal
S7E1: Dwight tears the head off of Phyllis’ teddy bear and pulls a knife on Jim; Meredith breaks into Michael’s nephew’s car; Michael spanks his nephew
S7E2: Dwight attempts to open a daycare center that is absolutely not up to safety codes; Toby allows Michael to forge his counseling paperwork
S7E4: Dwight is shown attempting to pick up what would appear to be illegal immigrants for day labour and then instead of paying them, has Mose pretend to be an INS agent, kidnaps the workers, and then drops them off in Harrisburg; Holly claims that multiple people died in a traffic accident (though it’s incredibly likely that she was kidding); Michael takes an incredibly quick turn without his turn signal on
S7E5: Michael, Dwight, and Jim secretly watch Danny’s meeting with Meredith through hidden cameras (only illegal if they are recording the footage)
S7E7: Angela steals all of the scones from Cece’s christening (though they were for public consumption so it probably wouldn’t constitute as theft)
S7E8: The Scranton Strangler leads police on a high speed pursuit; Michael tells Pam that he has a loaded gun hidden in his desk at the office; Michael cuts the cable going to Gabe’s apartment
S7E10: Erin floats the idea of hiring a new employee, killing them, and then cashing in on the life insurance policy; Dwight and Phyllis float the idea of bombing China; Pam accuses Dwight of breaking property code laws
S7E11: Dwight and Jim keep throwing snowballs at each other with force, and some that contained pebbles (snowball fights themselves aren’t illegal, but it’s illegal in most places to throw objects which could be considered missiles, and Jim is also shown with what appears to be blood on his clothes afterwards); Dwight asks Toby is he’s on the jury for the middle school teacher who tried to turn a foreign exchange student into a sex slave; Meredith asks Toby if it’s the case with the postman who rubbed his genitals on deliveries; Michael throws out supplies and food meant for the Christmas party; Dwight is shown dragging the Christmas tree out of the office to throw it out; one of the snowballs that Jim lobs at Dwight breaks a window; Michael throws Holly’s Woody doll into the trash and pours coffee on it
S7E12: Jim stabs a few snowmen with his umbrella hoping that Dwight is hiding in one of them
S7E13: Michael claims that regardless if Holly gets engaged or not, he will probably either attack people in rage or burn the building down in happiness
S7E15: Michael leaves without paying at the Chinese restaurant; Creed is also listed on the wall of diners who did not pay for their meal
S7E17: Michael most likely did not have permits to film in some of the locations featured in Threat Level Midnight; multiple characters in Michael’s film are seen using guns (you do not need a permit to have a gun in your home or business place in Pennsylvania, but multiple characters concealed their weapons during the film, though the guns are likely fake); a mannequin of Toby is blown up during Michael’s film (depending on the type of explosive used, certification may be required); during the hockey scene of the film, Michael comments that it was filmed during an actual Scranton High hockey game (could be seen as defiant trespassing and/or disorderly conduct)
S7E18: Packer humps Michael and Dwight while they’re underneath a desk; Dwight throws away Holly’s zen garden; Dwight offers Packer a hot chocolate laced with many laxatives (depending on the amount, it could be considered assault or even homicide since extreme dehydration could kill someone); Andy purposely does damage to his computer’s keyboard and hard drive; Andy and Pam slightly damage Andy’s new computer; Jim and Dwight pretend to be Sabre employees and tell Packer he can jump the gate at Jo’s house
S7E19: Ryan uses Phyllis and Oscar’s faces on his mom’s pesto and salsa recipes (would fall under right of publicity laws); Ryan adds a Kosher certification onto his mom’s pesto recipe (against FDA regulations); Michael pours gasoline all over the parking lot; Michael wants to steal a corpse from a medical school to use in his proposal to Holly
S7E20: Michael eggs Toby’s house; Kevin colors on a restaurant tablecloth with crayons; Ryan admits to have done drugs in the past
S7E21: Gabe confronts Andy and threatens him to stay away from Erin (could be considered criminal threatening); Deangelo claims that he caught the person who stole one of Jo’s dogs
S7E24: Dwight accidentally fires his gun through the floor; Meredith claims that during the shooting she lost her necklace, a ring, and a painting and will be reporting it to the insurance company; Ryan claims that Dwight’s accident felt like an act of terrorism; Pam claims that Dwight has hidden more weapons in the office
S7E25: Creed parks his car in the middle of the parking lot
S7E26: Dwight admits that he would have created a fake identity for his character of Jacques Souvenier if Jo had hired him as manager
S8E1: Dwight uses a fire extinguisher to knock Meredith off of the top of a bathroom stall, drops a ream of paper on a warehouse employee’s head to get him off a table, and flips a table over to get Toby off of it; Dwight throws Jim’s phone against the wall with force and a shatter is heard; Dwight instigates a fight between nearly everyone in the office
S8E2: Andy says he will streak across the parking lot if the office accrues enough points
S8E3: Dwight pours his drink on the inside of someone’s car; Oscar smashes the car’s window and brake light with a crowbar; Dwight drives the baler through the warehouse wall; Erin and Kevin spread grease all over the warehouse floor; Dwight, Jim, Erin, and Kevin damage multiple boxes of paper
S8E4: Dunder Mifflin billboards across town are shown to be vandalized; Mose crashes Toby’s car into a corn field; Mose very tightly lines up everyone’s cars so that he can run across the roofs (he likely made scratches and dents while planning and executing this plan)
S8E5: Dwight is shown to have brought many weapons into the office in the past as part of Halloween costumes and threatened to kill Toby with them (though the weapons were never concealed and Toby usually confiscated them before he entered the office
S8E6: Oscar stated in an email that he believes that Robert has strangled at least one stripper; Kelly states in an email that they should kill Robert; Dwight’s accountability booster is dangerously close to a form of blackmail; Gabe says that he is going to go to a cemetery and drink (it’s actually illegal to drink in most cemeteries); Pam stops Kevin from hitting Dwight over the head with a frying pan; Jim takes Robert’s phone and attempts to deletes an email (technically illegal to use someone’s phone without their permission)
S8E7: Dwight repeatedly grabs Jim’s crotch
S8E8: A Civil War informational video reveals that the soldiers from Schrute Farm were soldiers that went AWOL
S8E9: When Dwight suggests that everyone in the office is in a suicide cult, Creed strongly denies it, implying that he probably is in one; Jim leaves his car running and unattended in the middle of the parking lot
S8E10: Dwight punches Jim in the arm; Erin asks Andy for Jessica to die; Meredith threatens to drive drunk if Andy doesn’t drive her home; Meredith rides in the back of her van without a seatbelt on
S8E11: Andy asks Oscar to add $800 to their quarterly sales, implying it could be seen as a rounding error; Kevin offers to make that rounding error for Andy
S8E12: Jim drives over Robert’s lawn and breaks his mailbox
S8E15: Jim creates a fake murder scene in his hotel room for Dwight which involved stained towels, knocked over and possibly broken furniture, a writing on the door; Dwight threatens to light Jim’s face on fire; Dwight leaves the hospital with his IV solution bag, which implies he likely didn’t pay for his visit before leaving
S8E16: Gabe sprays an inhaler into Packer’s drink; Dwight damages his hotel room keycard; Dwight sprays a compound of chemicals in Jim’s hotel room creating what he claims is a biohazard
S8E17: Multiple homeless people are sleeping on the sidewalk outside the Sabre store (it’s usually only illegal for homeless individuals to sleep on the sidewalk if a shelter is available); Dwight tells Packer that he should act like a sexual predator when talking to the female teenage customers; a group of children throw pinecones at Andy and Pam, and one of them punches Andy in the face resulting in a black eye; Creed strikes the back of Meredith’s head; Ryan calls his uncle to get a prescription for Ritalin; Kelly attacks Toby and then accidentally elbows Andy in the face
S8E18: Dwight leaves a treasure chest in the office which fires a poisoned dart upwards at whomever opens it; Jim and Dwight tackle and punch each other; Kevin forcibly kisses Meredith
S8E19: Darryl drags Dwight out of his office by his hair; Andy tosses a container of eggplant parmesan onto the street; Andy leaves his car unattended in the middle of an intersection
S8E20: Dwight offers to hit Nellie with a candlestick; Jessica’s friends throw food at Andy’s car
S8E21: Andy smashes the frame holding a picture of Nellie; Andy punches another hole into the wall
S8E22: Andy loiters at the office parking lot
S8E23: Dwight and Jim create a fake identity to work around the commission cap (Dwight even admits that it’s extremely similar to embezzlement or fraud); Harry threatens to choke out Toby; Dwight tells Jim he should dent the hood of Harry’s car or slash the tires; Dwight attempts to activate the elevator’s seismic failsafes to stop the elevator; Pam steals Nellie’s phone and deletes all of her voicemails (technically illegal to use someone’s phone without their permission); Andy tells Robert if he doesn’t hire him back, he will give Prestige Direct Mail Solutions’ business to a competitor (technically blackmail)
S8E24: Kevin and Robert accidentally head butt each other; Andy mops the carpets, likely damaging them; Dwight steals Philip’s used diaper so he can have a paternity test done (this is called gene theft); Angela and Dwight both speed and drive recklessly; Angela hits Mose multiple times; Dwight and Mose both leave their cars unattended in the middle of the street; Robert forcibly kisses Andy; Dwight forces himself on Angela (though seconds later she is a willing participant)
S9E1: Andy threatens to make up a reason to fire Nellie (since Toby is aware of this, if Nellie were to sue Andy, Toby would have to testify against him); Andy purposely pushes Nellie off of the slack-lining rope; Dwight deconstructs Dunder Mifflin equipment to create his trapeze set; Dwight gets stuck on the slack-line and the fire department has to come to get him down; Andy places all of the recycling bins near Nellie and has people throw their trash at her
S9E2: While the building’s janitor is on vacation, the building becomes incredibly dirty to the point where rats can be seen (likely against multiple health codes); Nellie forces Dwight into a situation where he has to chop off her hand (though he doesn’t go through with it)
S9E3: Nellie drives recklessly; Nellie uses her phone while driving
S9E4: Dwight and Toby find EMF hotspots in the office which could imply that there’s poor wiring in the building (depending on how bad the wiring actually is, this could actually break laws); Stanley threatens to spank Clark; Dwight drives the work bus (depending on the type of bus it was, Dwight would need a certain license to drive it); Phyllis asks someone to just start driving the bus while Dwight is on the roof; Dwight drops himself through the rooftop emergency exit on the bus onto Jim; Dwight drives the bus recklessly
S9E5: Creed comes into the office with blood stains all over his clothes (it likely was not his blood, so he may have harmed someone); Andy reveals he had sex with a snowman while at Cornell (would fall under public indecency); Dwight catches Meredith in a net and causes her to fall to the floor
S9E6: Kevin leaves his car in the middle of the parking lot so he can run to the bathroom; Oscar forges documents to make it looks like Kevin has been taking money from Dunder Mifflin; Nellie, Jim, Pam, and Darryl create a situation where Dwight believes that police have surrounded David’s house; Pete’s friend Flipper once drunkenly flipped a table over at a bar
S9E7: Dwight claims he used to have a barber who fought dogs and made dogs fight each other; Clark is used as leverage by Dwight to get Jan’s business (this trade would be dangerously close to prostitution)
S9E8: Dwight reveals that Trevor has had numerous guns stolen from him; Angela hires Trevor to murder Oscar; Dwight claims he has left poop in a paper bag on people’s porches (would be classified as vandalism); Trevor claims that people have left poop in a bag on his porch multiple times; Angela asks Trevor to break Oscar’s kneecaps instead; Trevor brings a concealed weapon into the office; Phyllis taps a stranger on the back with the sharp end of a knife; Phyllis forcibly removes a decorative wine bottle from its base; Angela kicks Oscar in the shin
S9E9: Dwight hits Oscar and Jim with a stick; Darryl collapses on a table and breaks it in half
S9E10: Dwight throws his coffee cup up in the air, likely staining the carpet; Dwight sprays a disinfectant in Erin, Pam, Angela, and Meredith’s faces; Erin tackles Stanley; Meredith reveals that one of her exes keyed a bunch of people’s cars; Meredith also reveals that she pooped into an office shredder; Dwight accidentally sets off an insecticidal grenade (I don’t believe there is a real insecticidal grenade but I’m sure there’s some law against either setting one off or doing so with people nearby); Angela hits Oscar in the head with a coffee pot; Kevin misuses one of the warehouse machines and causes it to break; Dwight accidentally sets off another insecticidal grenade in his car (he most likely still drove his car after while experiencing hallucinogenic side effects)
S9E11: Jim is seen driving a motorcycle (Jim likely did not have a motorcycle license); Dwight suggests that Jim should drive 240 miles per hour so he can get to the office faster; Creed steals Phyllis’ ring; Kevin forcibly lifts Angela up multiple times; Darryl misses a basketball hoop and accidentally breaks a wall lamp and electrocutes a fish tank (though Darryl agreed to pay for the damage); multiple people in the office tear up the carpet flooring
S9E12: Dwight rips open a couch cushion with a knife; Dwight drives one of the delivery trucks (he likely does not have a license to drive the truck); Dwight throws a milkshake through the drive-thru window at an employee; a customer in the drive-thru throws a milkshake at Dwight
S9E13: Dwight reveals that Rolf uses hand grenades to fish; Mose is seen running in the middle of the street (could be considered jaywalking); Dwight reveals that when he was a child, he went to a school that was run by a conman; one of Dwight’s friends reveals that the school used the students as labor; Melvina reveals that she’s been double parked for about two hours; Dwight gives the sales rep applicants Jim’s home address so they can toilet paper it; Rolf tells Dwight to be weary of any suspicious packages he may get, implying that he’ll be sending him potentially dangerous packages; Dwight attempts to suffocate Clarke
S9E14: Frank vandalizes Pam’s warehouse mural; Angela hits Oscar; Dwight and Pam vandalize Frank’s truck; Frank rushes at Pam with the intent to hit her; Brian hits Frank in the face with his boom mic
S9E15: Meredith suggests that everyone in the office should try cocaine
S9E16: Dwight’s Aunt Shirley slaps Angela; Andy snoops through Erin’s phone; Andy kicks Toby; Angela accidentally sets off the hose on Dwight (the hose likely has the same pressure as a firehose, which is about 150 PSI, so this could be considered assault); Toby leaves the prison wearing a neck brace after visiting the Scranton Stranger, implying the Strangler attempted to strangled him;
S9E17: Dwight throws dirt in the faces of Erin, Phyllis, Kevin, Oscar, Meredith, Angela, Stanley, Pam and Jim; Dwight’s brother Jeb drives his car into Aunt Shirley’s grave; Packer reveals he’s in Narcotics Anonymous, implying he used to use drugs; Dwight reveals that his family members have accidentally buried family members who were thought to be dead but were actually in deep sleep; Dwight unloads a shotgun into his aunt’s corpse; Jeb reveals that he owns a worm farm in California (medical marijuana was not legalized in California until 2018); Packer reveals that the cupcakes he gave out to everyone in the office, as well as to Jim and Darryl were laced with drugs, some legal and some not; Packer is seen having parked his car halfway between a handicapped spot and a do-not-park zone; Clarke reveals that while drugged, he defected in some bushes
S9E18: Dwight dumps a bucket of water onto Phyllis, and is likely the same person who dumped a bucket of water onto Andy as well (technically would be classified as assault); Meredith exposes her breasts in the office; Angela slaps Oscar
S9E19: Dwight shoots Stanley with three tranquilizers meant for a bull (horse tranquilizers can cause serious harm to humans, and a bull tranquilizer likely has a higher dosage); Meredith squirts some of the bull tranquilizer into her drink (probably not illegal since she put it into her own drink, but it would be classified as placing a foreign object into an edible, which is actually a felony); Dwight and Clarke accidentally slam Stanley’s unconscious body into two walls; while sliding down a flight of stairs, Stanley’s unconscious body makes a dent in the wall; Andy kicks over an empty trash can; a man at the talent agency claims that through his dog-cat-mouse act, he goes through a lot of mice (allowing your pet to eat live animals can be considered animal cruelty); Stanley tranquilizes himself so that he doesn’t have to climb the stairs
S9E20: Creed smashes a melon on the warehouse floor; Pam accidentally hits Toby in the eye with a paper airplane; Erin reveals that when she was in the orphanage, she once ripped Susan’s pigtails off of her head; Erin crushes a box of packing peanuts; Clarke asks Pam and Jim to share the drugs he think they’re high on; Angela is seen taking rolls of toilet paper from the office
S9E21: Lackawanna County takes away “two sacks” worth of Angela’s cats because she is violating her apartment complex’s pet rules; Dwight throws his briefcase and hits multiple items; Dwight nearly kicks and punches multiple in the office; Andy asks Toby to falsify files; Andy attempts to grope Toby; Andy dedicates on David’s car (this would be classified as vandalism and public indecency);
S9E22: Dwight reveals that his grandmother was shot by Adolph Coors; Dwight throws the summoning bag against the back of Jim’s head; Casey Dean jumps on the back of the a cappella show host; Meredith spanks Darryl; Dwight is seen driving with his police light on his car; Dwight drives recklessly
S9E23: Dwight reveals that Creed faked his own death; Dwight also reveals that the police are looking for Creed as he sold drugs, trafficked endangered animal meat, and stole weapons-grade LSD from the military; Oscar reveals that Kevin used to make up numbers to balance the books; Mose kidnaps Angela and locks her in his trunk for three hours; Creed changes his identity; Ryan reveals that his partner abandoned him and their child; Ryan purposely gives his son an allergic reaction; Kelly and Ryan abandon his son with Ravi; Nellie takes Ryan’s son as her own child (she didn’t legally adopt him so this would be considered child abduction); Pam attempts to sell their home without Jim’s knowledge (since Jim bought the house as a surprise, his name is likely on the deed as well and Pam wouldn’t be able to sell it without him); Kevin spills alcohol all over a cabinet while filling up glasses
submitted by The_DMcI123 to DunderMifflin [link] [comments]

35 unexpected places the Berlin Wall ended up around the world

  1. The Hilton Anatole in Dallas, Texas, has two sections of the Berlin Wall in its Trinity Corridor.
  2. This portion of the Berlin Wall, located in front of St. George's Cathedral in Cape Town, South Africa, was given to former South African President Nelson Mandela in the 1990s.
  3. Children play in a park in Torrejon de Ardoz, Spain, where a section of the Berlin Wall resides.
  4. This colorful portion of the Berlin Wall resides at The Wende Museum and Archive of the Cold War in Culver City, California. It was painted by French-born and Berlin-based artist Thierry Noir.
  5. The French municipality of Courbevoie bought this piece of the Berlin Wall back in 1990. It sits on display in the La Defense business district and includes a painting by famed German artist Kiddy Citny.
  6. The Blloku district of Tirana, Albania, unveiled this portion of the Berlin Wall as part of a memorial to honor victims of communism in the country.
  7. In addition, a segment of the wall resides outside the Imperial War Museum, in London, England.
  8. The Royal Engineers Museum, in Gillingham, England, also holds a portion of the Berlin Wall.
  9. Sections of the Berlin Wall stand as historical remnants in the Cold War exhibition of the Royal Air Force Museum, located in the village of Cosford, England.
  10. A three-ton portion of the Berlin Wall is on permanent display at the Armory in Seattle, Washington.
  11. Chapman University, located in Orange, California, has one of the largest displays of the Berlin Wall on a university campus. The section of the wall is surrounded by an Abraham Lincoln quote which says, "A house divided against itself cannot stand."
  12. Plaza Berlin was built in coordination with the German Embassy of Guatemala and the Municipality of Guatemala in Guatemala City. The large space holds three sections of the Berlin Wall, a fountain made with Venetian mosaics brought by German residents in the country, and stunning panoramic views of the city.
  13. Ten segments of the Berlin Wall are on display outside of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) in Los Angeles, California. The structure weights 25 tons.
  14. The European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium, also contains original pieces of the Berlin Wall.
  15. Here, a chunk of the Berlin Wall can be seen through lush trees in Yokohama, a Japanese city that sits south of Tokyo.
  16. This 12-foot-tall portion of the Berlin Wall is on display at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library in Yorba Linda, California. It is covered with red, white, and blue graffiti on the side that faced democratic West Berlin while the side facing East Berlin remains unpainted.
  17. In this photo, schoolchildren can be seen walking near a piece of the Berlin Wall that sits on display in Battery Park in New York City.
  18. When visiting the Vatican Gardens of Vatican City, you'll come across a slab of the Berlin Wall that was allegedly won by former Ferrari motor sport director Marco Piccinini during an auction in 1990. He gifted it to the Vatican in 1994.
  19. In 1990, the Museum Haus am Checkpoint Charlie (Checkpoint Charlie Museum) in Berlin presented this segment of the wall to the Andrei Sakharov Museum and Public Center in Moscow, Russia. It was decorated by artists and rises above the lawn near the museum building today.
  20. Local artists will often paint portions of the wall. Here, Victor Landeta, a street artists, spray paints a portrait of Nelson Mandela on a segment of the Berlin Wall in Kleinmachnow, Germany.
  21. Oddly enough, a section of the Berlin Wall was installed into the men's restroom of the Main Street station Casino, Brewery and Hotel, in Las Vegas, Nevada. The wall is protected by glass and can be observed by female visitors with the help of the area's security guards.
  22. There's another segment of the wall in Buenos Aires at the garden of San Martin palace, the headquarters of Argentina's Foreign Ministry.
  23. In 1991, Perfil Group, an Argentinian news company based in Buenos Aires, bought 20 segments of the Berlin Wall. The segments represent symbols of freedom to the company and stand protected behind a sheet of glass in the company's lobby.
  24. A piece of the Berlin Wall resides in Ein Hod, Israel. Ein Hod was founded in 1953 by a group of artists and remains an art-centered community where around 150 artists and their families reside.
  25. This portion of the Berlin Wall traveled from Hamburg to Miami Dade College's Wolfs Campus in Miami, Florida, last year. On the day of its unveiling, around 1,500 people gathered at the campus with German flags to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the fall of the wall.
  26. If you happen to be at Chicago's Western Brown Line L Station, located in the Lincoln Square neighborhood, look out for an 11-foot-tall and 4-foot-wide portion of the Berlin Wall. The piece was given to the city by the Senate and City of Berlin as a commemorative relic.
  27. This piece of the Berlin Wall has been on display at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum in Simi Valley, California, since 1990.
  28. These four pieces of the Berlin Wall stand in Indonesian sculptor Teguh Ostenrik's workshop, located in Depok, Indonesia. Ostenrik brought the four original sections to Indonesia in 1990.
  29. The Newseum, an interactive museum of news and journalism in Washington, D.C., houses eight 12-foot-high concrete sections of the Berlin Wall. Next to them, you'll find a three-story East German guard tower that used to be located near Checkpoint Charlie.
  30. In 2004, the Seoul Metropolitan Government announced the creation of an open plaza area in Seoul, South Korea, that would be known as Berlin Square. With three segments of the Berlin Wall, street lights from Berlin, benches, and German trees, the Plaza has been built to stand as a symbol of hope for the reunification of North and South Korea.
  31. This 12-foot section of the Berlin Wall was given to Olympic champion Usain Bolt by the city of Berlin after he broke the world records in the 100 and 200 meter finals of the World Athletics Championships in 200229. The gift sits at the Jamaica Military Museum and Library in Kingston.
  32. "The Day the Wall Came Down" is a statue in the George H.W. Bush Library, in College Station, Texas. The statue depicts horses bolting for freedom over six broken segments of the Berlin Wall.
  33. Three segments of the Berlin Wall were gifted to the United Nations Headquarters in New York City by the Federal Republic of Germany. The illustration displays a boy and a girl meeting over the wall.
  34. Over the years, segments of the Berlin Wall have been gifted and sold to countries around the world. Here, portions of the Wall are up for sale at a storage yard in Teltow, Germany.
  35. The East Side Gallery is approximately a one-mile portion of the Berlin Wall in Berlin, Germany. The gallery is filled with symbolic artwork, like this one of a car breaking through the wall.
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Merchant Mondays

Welcome to another Merchant Mondays!

Show your appreciation for the businesses that lead the way in the adoption of cryptocurrencies. Instead of paying with fiat for your next purchase, use this Monday initiative to pay with VTC instead. Did you buy anything with Vertcoin recently? Please share your experience.
Vertcoin Merchant website
Let's take this Monday to reach out to your favorite online stores that do not accept Vertcoin yet. Stores that accept crypto but not VTC are a quick win. Check my last post for some info on accepting payments.
This week we started adding descriptions for the webshops. I will keep updating them over the next few days. Below is a list of merchants that accept Vertcoin as payment (credits: u/Wauri12\ - he provided the descriptions and a big part of the list).
If a business should be added to or removed from the list, let me know!

Debit cards




Garden & Agriculture

Gift Cards



Multimedia Services

Professional (law) Services



Video Games

Wallets & miscellaneous

(NSFW) Adult shops

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Merchants list Vertcoin (updated with new members).

The descriptions are different in length and content dependant on the information your website offers. First purpose is to keep the descriptions short. Many websites delivered an own description which I partly quoted. If there is a need to change please let me know.
You'll find this list of merchants already accepting Vertcoin on Vertcoin homepage. In these shops you can pay with Vertcoin and maby with other cryptocurrencies. If you like to get added let me know and make sure that Vertcoin acceptance is apparent in your shop.

Debit Card

Uquid Prepaid Debit Card "enables businesses to streamline commission, business, incentives, travel payments and control expenditures with enhanced convenience, flexibility, and security."


* NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * 
Cyroline is on "the tireless hunt for the special in the fashion world, the perfect fusion of individual styles, quality and sustainability." In physical stores you can pay with Vertcoin in Germany: Lübeck, Berlin, Hamburg, Cologne, Stuttgart.
Zazzle is a "marketplace, you'll find customizable products, art and create-your-own products just waiting for you. We're PhD's, professional artists, manufacturing gurus, patent holders, inventors, musicians, and more. Everything we do is an expression of love." As a nice special Z provides Vertcoin shirts.


PexPeppers is specialized in "finest chili sauces, jellies, salts, seeds & more." Based in Pueblo, Colorado, USA PexPeppers is selling all over the world.


Vertcoingames: "Play Roulette, Dice, Blackjack and Video Poker using Vertcoin. Great games with fair, casino level payouts."


* NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * 
Coincards provides Giftcards and was created in July of 2014.
Crypto De Change provides Gift Cards and Silver Buillons since July 2013.
Giftoff is a "digital gift card retailer with the largest range on offer in Europe. Since 2014 we’ve been enabling digital currency users to shop with major retailers like, Steam and Marks & Spencer. We stock over 70 gift cards and accept over 40 digital currencies as well as UK credit and debit cards."


* NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * 
  • FastTech, Hong Kong & Guangdong, China
"FastTech is the techno-centric destination for all your geeky needs and more. FastTech is committed to become the most loved and trusted electronics marketplace by offering superior shopping experience, timely shipping, and stellar customer service."
KPV provides Vaporizers, "electronic devices that help you vaporize your material into vapor for cleaner inhalation. People looking to quit smoking cigarettes are the main reason behind vapes."
* NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * 
"We are a tech-driven online retailer located near Salt Lake City in the shadow of the Wasatch Mountains. Since our beginnings in 1999. Overstock has evolved from a fledging startup to a billion-dollar online retailer as a result of a hard-working and creative team."
RB gives "independent artists a meaningful new way to sell their creations. Today, we connect over 400k artists and designers across the planet with millions of passionate fans." RB provides a huge sortiment of designed products like bags, wall art, home decor, apparel, stationary & more.

IT support

GeekBox "offers a wide variety of services including but not limited to basic computer setup, repair, virus removal, server setup, network setup, consulting, purchasing, cloud computing advice, gaming system and electronic repair." As a nice special GeekBox IT provides a Vertcoin T-shirt.


Crypto Affect provides "Clothing for the hodler", crypto related fashion.
* NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * 
C&P provides crypto related fashion and is "shipping worldwide with live rates and tracking."
Crypto Compound provides "crypto-themed items" like fashion, mugs & more.
* NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * 
"Cryptobird is a partnership to start a full crypto based webshop with high quality fashion to contribute to a wider cryptocurrency adoption around the globe."
Cryptoble provides "apparel and more". Here are crypto related shirts & mugs.
Hodler Tees is a cryptocurrency centered t-shirt company based in Frisco Texas! (USA) We sell all things crypto related from hats to t-shirts and even posters!
"At Nakamoto Clothing, we're passionate about designing and curating a selection of apparel to help grow this movement of change. And we're electrified AF!", international shipping.
WikiLeaks is a multi-national media organization and associated library. It was founded by its publisher Julian Assange in 2006. The shop provides shirts, posters and asseccoires.
Spreadshirt provides shirts and more. Based in Greensburg, USA, the owner comes from the Netherlands.
Teepublic provides apparel, home goods, shirts, stickers, mugs & more.
Shillshop provides stickers in outdoor quality and is "based in The Netherlands, all the products we sell are also produced in The Netherlands to make sure you'll receive the highest quality!"
VTCmarket is founded by the Dunn twins Raf & Tom: "We’ve started off with T-shirts and are working on expanding with other products and merchants"

Multimedia services

RDS is Central Virginia’s drone service specialists. From preparation to content delivery, we perform all work to perfection. We can act as both an aerial film consultant or as the remote pilot in charge on your next projects.

Printing, Graphic, Web Design

* NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * 
"Catdi is a commercial printing company with additional specialization in web design. Offering cost-effective commercial printing, direct mail, graphic design and web solutions to small businesses. Proudly Serving Houston and surrounding communities for over 10 years."

Professional Law Services

* NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * 
Bitcoin Tax is "calculating capital gains/losses for any crypto-currency. Do you know the cost-basis of every coin you own? Are you tracking the profits and new basis when you spend or sell? Can you work out the best way to identify your trades to optimize your taxes? Let us do it for you."
Burrell Law "Our New York City-based attorneys provide a broad range of transactional legal services" Every large business was once a small business. We are here to help you find a solution for your legal needs.
The Crypto Lawyers - "we are a team of U.S. qualified lawyers dedicated to helping individuals, businesses, and organizations navigate the legal intricacies of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. We commit ourselves to strategically and aggressively represent our clients in their transactional and litigation matters."

Video Games

Cavemen Studios is a developer of video games. "Having over a century of combined experience on how video games tick, we've finally decided it's time to start creating our own products."
"Keys4Coins is one of the first pc game stores who only accept cryptocurrency as payment. Our store is simple to use and you can shop anonymously. Only an e-mail is required so you can receive the license."
"Our aim is to provide the fastest, easiest place to buy Xbox Live Gold subscriptions with cryptocurrencies"

Wallet & miscellaneous

Jzzsxm's Online Store provides a 1.5" diameter metal Vertcoin Medallion. Each medallion costs 2 VTC and comes with a metalized label containing a wallet address QR code of your choice affixed to the back.
LaserLightning provides one etched wooden Vertcoin with the Vertcoin logo burned into one side, and your custom QR code on the back. These coins are approx 1.5 inches in diameter.
Designed Vertcoin public and private wallets that can be used as paper wallets or given as gifts.

(NSFW) Adult shop

* NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * NEW * 
Toys4Sex is Australia's Online Adult store retailer intended for men and women. Toys4Sex comes with a specially selected range of products that has made its mark within the Australian adult market place.
submitted by Wauri12 to altcoin [link] [comments]

san juan, winter of 1958

by Hunter S. Thompson IN the early Fifties, when San Juan first became a tourist town, an ex-jockey named Al Arbonito built a bar in the patio behind his house on Calle O'Leary. He called it Al's Backyard and hung a sign above his doorway on the street, with an arrow pointing be- tween two ramshackle buildings on the patio in back. At first he served nothing but beer, at twenty cents a bottle, and rum, at a dime a shot or fifteen cents with ice. After several months he began serving hamburgers, which he made himself. It was a pleasant place to drink, especially in the mornings when the sun was still cool and the salt mist came up from the ocean to give the air a crisp, healthy smell that for a few early hours would hold its own against the steaming , sweaty heat that clamps San Juan at noon and remains until long after sundown. It was good in the evenings, too, but not so cool. Sometimes there would be a breeze and Al's would usually catch it because of the fine location — at the very top of Calle O'Leary hill, so high that if the pa- tio had windows you could look down on the whole city. But there is a thick wall around the patio, and all you can see is the sky and a few plantain trees. As time passed, Al bought a new cash register; then he bought wood umbrella-tables for the patio; and finally moved his family out of the house on Calle O'Leary, out in the suburbs to a new urban- ización near the airport. He hired a large negro named Sweep, who washed the dishes and carried hamburgers and eventually learned to cook. He turned his old living room into a small piano bar, and got a pianist from Miami, a thin, sad-faced man named Nelson Otto. The piano was midway between the cocktail lounge and the patio. It was an old baby-grand, painted light grey and covered with special shel- lac to keep the salt air from ruining the finish — and seven nights a week, through all twelve months of the endless Caribbean summer, Nelson Otto sat down at the keyboard to mingle his sweat with the weary chords of his music. At the Tourist Bureau they talk about the cooling trade winds that caress the shores of Puerto Rico every day and night of the year — but Nelson Otto was a man the trade winds never seemed to touch. Hour after muggy hour, through a tired repertoire of blues and sentimen- tal ballads, the sweat dripped from his chin and soaked the armpits of his flowered cotton sportshirts. He cursed the "goddamn shitting heat" with such violence an such hatred that it sometimes ruined the atmosphere of the place, and people would get up and walk down the street to the Flamboyan Lounge, where a bottle of beer cost sixty cents and a sirloin steak was three-fifty. When an ex-communist named Lotterman came down from Florida to start the San Juan Daily News, Al's Backyard became the English-language press club, because none of the drifters and the dreamers who came to work for Lotterman's new pare could afford the high-price "New York" bars that were springing up all over the city like a rash of neon toadstools. The day-shift types — sports people, proofreaders and make-up men —usually arrived en masse around midnight. Once in a while someone had a date, but on any normal night a girl in Al's Backyard was a rare and erotic sight. White girls were not plentiful in San Juan, and most of them were ei- ther tourists, hustlers or airline stewardesses. It was not surprising that they preferred the casinos or the terrace bar at the Hilton. All manner of men came to work for the News: everything from wild young Turks who wanted to rip the world in half and start all over again — to tired, beer-bellied old hacks who wanted nothing more than to live out their days in peace before a bunch of lunatics ripped the world in half. They ran the whole gamut from genuine talents and honest men, to degenerates and hopeless losers who could barely write a post- card — loons and fugitives and dangerous drunks, a shoplifting Cuban who carried a gun in his armpit, a half-wit Mexican who molested small children, pimps and pederasts and human chancres of every description, most of them working just long enough to make the price of a few drinks and a plane ticket. On the other hand, there were people like Tom Vanderwitz, who later worked for the Washington Post and won a Pulitzer Prize. And a man named Tyrell, now an editor of the London Times, who worked fifteen hours a day just to keep the paper from going under. When I arrived the News was three years old and Ed Lotterman was on the verge of a breakdown. To hear him talk you would think he'd been sitting at the very cross-corners of the earth, seeing himself as a combination of God, Pulitzer and the Salvation Army. He often swore that if all the people who had worked for the paper in those years could appear at one time before the throne of The Almighty — if they all stood there and recited their histories and their quirks and their crimes and their deviations — there was no doubt in his mind that God himself would fall down in a swoon and tear his hair. Of course Lotterman exaggerated; in his tirade he forgot about the good men and talked only about what he called the "wineheads." But there were more than a few of these, and the best that can be said of that staff is that they were a strange and unruly lot. At best they were unreliable, and at worst they were drunk, dirty and no more dependable than goats. But they managed to put on a paper, and when they were not working a good many of them passed the time drinking in Al's Backyard. They bitched and groaned when — in what some of them called "a fit of greed" — Al jacked the price of beer up to a quarter; and they kept on bitching until he tacked up a sign listing beer and drink prices at the Caribé Hilton. It was scrawled in black crayon and hung in plain sight behind the bar. Since the newspaper functioned as a clearing-house for every writer, photographer and neo-literate con man who happened to find himself in Puerto Rico, Al got the dubious benefit of this trade too. The drawer beneath the cash register was full of unpaid tabs and letters from all over the world, promising to "get that bill squared away in the near future." Vagrant journalists are notorious welshers, and to those who travel in that rootless world, a large un- paid bar tab can be a fashionable burden. There was no shortage of people to drink with in those days. They never lasted very long, but they kept coming. I call them vagrant journalists because no other term could be quite as valid. No two were alike. They were professionally deviant, but they had a few things in common. They depended, mostly from habit, , on newspa- pers and magazines for the bulk of their income; their lives were geared to long chances and sudden movement; and they claimed no allegiance to any flag and valued no currency but luck and good contacts. Some of them were more journalists than vagrants, and others were more vagrants than journalists — but with a few exceptions they were part-time, freelance, would-be foreign correspondents who, for one reason or another, lived at several removes from the journalistic establishment. Not the slick strivers and jingo parrots who staffed the mossback papers and news magazines of the Luce empire. Those were a different breed. Puerto Rico was a backwater and the daily News was staffed mainly by ill-tempered wandering rabble. They moved erratically, on the winds of rumor and opportunity, all over Europe, Latin America and the Far east — wherever there were English-language newspapers, jumping from one to another, looking always for the big break, the crucial assignment, the rich heiress or the fat job at the far end of the next plane ticket. In a sense I was one of them — more competent than some and more stable than others — and in the years that I carried that ragged banner I was seldom unemployed. Sometimes I worked for three newspapers at once. I wrote ad copy for new casinos and bowling al- leys. I was a consultant for the cockfighting syndicate, an utterly cor- rupt high-end restaurant critic, a yachting photographer and a routine victim of police brutality. It was a greedy life and I was good at it. I made some interesting friends, had enough money to get around, and learned a lot about the world that I could never have learned in any other way. Like most of the others, I was a seeker, a mover, a malcontent, and at times a stupid hell-raiser. I was never idle long enough to do much thinking, but I felt somehow that some of us were making real progress, that we had taken an honest road, and that the best of us would inevitably make it over the top. At the same time, I shared a dark suspicion that the life we were leading was a lost cause, that we were all actors, kidding ourselves along a senseless odyssey. It was the tension betweeen these two poles — a restless idealism on one hand and a sense of impending doom on the other — that kept me going. 
from The Rum Diary, by Hunter S. Thompson Copyright © 1998 by Gonzo International Corp. Simon & Schuster paperback edition 2003, pp 1 - 5
For information regarding special discounts for bulk purchases, please contact Simon & Schuster Special Sales at 1-800-456-6798 or [email protected]
submitted by MarleyEngvall to AlsBackyard [link] [comments]

The 1000 Greatest Movies

The following is a list of 1000 movies that I have compiled by trying to be as objective as possible, which is an obvious lie, it's a very subjective list, but it should be valuable for anyone interested in finding new movies. The majority of these titles are probably familiar to most of you anyway. Let me know your thoughts!
Rank Title Year
1000. Speed 1994
999. A Silent Voice 2016
998. Cube 1997
997. The Heiress 1949
996. The Cove 2009
995. A Close Shave 1995
994. Viva Zapata! 1952
993. Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure 1989
992. Z 1969
991. The Long Goodbye 1973
990. The Naked Gun 1988
989. Son of Saul 2015
988. Around the World in Eighty Days 1956
987. Dawn of the Dead 1978
986. Young Frankenstein 1974
985. Gaslight 1944
984. The Asphalt Jungle 1950
983. Ballad of a Soldier 1959
982. The Man Who Wasn't There 2001
981. Stairway to Heaven 1946
980. The Twilight Samurai 2002
979. The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters 2007
978. Devils on the Doorstep 2000
977. Make Way for Tomorrow 1937
976. The Assassination of Jesse James 2007
975. Wake in Fright 1971
974. The City of Lost Children 1995
973. The Virgin Spring 1960
972. Earthlings 2005
971. Lord of War 2005
970. There's Something About Mary 1998
969. 28 Weeks Later 2007
968. The Man Who Fell to Earth 1976
967. The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser 1974
966. Kelly's Heroes 1970
965. Suspiria 1977
964. 1900 1976
963. Audition 1999
962. Picnic at Hanging Rock 1975
961. Midnight Run 1988
960. Animal House 1978
959. Get Carter 1971
958. The Descent 2005
957. The Shop Around the Corner 1940
956. Fort Apache 1948
955. Flight 2012
954. The Ladykillers 1955
953. Argo 2012
952. The Breakfast Club 1985
951. Burnt by the Sun 1994
950. The Lady from Shanghai 1947
949. The War Game 1965
948. The Ascent 1977
947. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off 1986
946. The Wicker Man 1973
945. Marty 1955
944. The Naked Island 1960
943. The Palm Beach Story 1942
942. Knight of Cups 2015
941. Road to Perdition 2002
940. As Good as It Gets 1997
939. The Place Beyond the Pines 2012
938. Faults 2014
937. The Gospel According to Matthew 1964
936. American Graffiti 1993
935. Frances Ha 2012
934. Raising Arizona 1987
933. Songs from the Second Floor 2000
932. Anvil: The Story of Anvil 2008
931. The Day the Earth Stood Still 1951
930. In Cold Blood 1967
929. Saw 2004
928. The Adventures of Baron Munchausen 1988
927. Cairo Station 1958
926. The Tramp 1915
925. Whatever Works 2009
924. Moulin Rouge! 2001
923. Glory 1989
922. The Perks of Being a Wallflower 2012
921. Blood Diamond 2006
920. Stand by Me 1986
919. A Brighter Summer Day 1991
918. Stop Making Sense 1984
917. Operation 'Y' & Other Shurik's Adventures 1965
916. Dredd 2012
915. Close Encounters of the Third Kind 1977
914. Idiocracy 2006
913. West Side Story 1961
912. Repo Man 1984
911. The Last Emperor 1987
910. Papillon 1973
909. About Elly 2009
908. Mary Poppins 1964
907. Zabriskie Point 1970
906. Akira
905. Cave of Forgotten Dreams 2010
904. The Last of the Mohicans 1992
903. The Day the Earth Stood Still 1951
902. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly 2007
901. Hamburger Hill 1987
900. Spider 2002
899. Cast Away 2000
898. The Hangover 2009
897. The Lost Weekend 1945
896. Bullitt 1968
895. Frida 2002
894. The Hustler 1961
893. Seven Years in Tibet 1997
892. Nocturnal Animals 2016
891. Swiss Army Man 2016
890. 48 Hrs. 1982
889. High Fidelity 2000
888. Casino Royale 2006
887. Dirty Dancing 1987
886. The Dark Valley 2014
885. Source Code 2011
884. El Mariachi 1992
883. The Meaning of Life 1983
882. The Mask 1994
881. Conan the Barbarian 1982
880. Primer 2004
879. Wall Street 1987
878. The New World 2005
877. The Rock 1996
876. Independence Day 1996
875. Hell or High Water 2016
874. 13 Assassins 2010
873. Traffic 2000
872. Yellow Submarine 1968
871. Apollo 13 1995
870. Empire of the Sun 1987
869. Revolutionary Road 2008
868. Man on Wire 2008
867. Waterworld 1995
866. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button 2008
865. The Road Warrior 1981
864. Kramer vs. Kramer 1979
863. The Bourne Ultimatum 2007
862. Syriana 2005
861. Shaun of the Dead 2004
860. The Terminal 2004
859. The Passion of the Christ 2004
858. Face/Off 1997
857. Napoleon Dynamite 2004
856. From Russia with Love 1963
855. TRON 1982
854. The Secret in Their Eyes 2009
853. Wavelength 1967
852. Anchorman 2004
851. Straight Outta Compton 2015
850. Bad Lieutenant 1992
849. Three Kings 1999
848. Duck Soup 1933
847. Femme Fatale 2002
846. Predator 1987
845. Solaris 2002
844. Miller's Crossing 1990
843. As I Was Moving Ahead Occasionally I... 2000
842. Samurai Fiction 1998
841. The Truman Show 1998
840. Syndromes and a Century 2006
839. The Producers 1967
838. The Killing Fields 1984
837. Confessions of a Dangerous Mind 2002
836. Beau Travail 1999
835. Capote 2005
834. Slap Shot 1977
833. Drowning by Numbers 1988
832. Hard Eight 1996
831. All Is Lost 2013
830. Enter the Void 2009
829. Hunt for the Wilderpeople 2016
828. The Hateful Eight 2015
827. Under Pressure: Making 'The Abyss' 1993
826. The Gift 2015
825. The Man Who Knew Infinity 2015
824. Swimming Pool 2003
823. Monty Python: The Meaning of Live 2014
822. Enemy 2013
821. Lord of the Flies 1990
820. Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels 1998
819. Ed Wood 1994
818. Dogtooth 2009
817. Swingers 1996
816. Split 2016
815. The Road 2009
814. Volver 2006
813. The Fountain 2006
812. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang 2005
811. Safe 1995
810. The Wages of Fear 1953
809. American Sniper 2014
808. Woyzeck 1979
807. The Aviator 2004
806. Super Troopers 2001
805. Dr. No 1962
804. Kingsman 2014
803. Hugo 2011
802. The Sound of Music 1965
801. Pretty Village, Pretty Flame 1996
800. Halloween 1978
799. Hatari! 1962
798. Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me 1992
797. Escape from New York 1981
796. Highlander 1986
795. The Matrix Reloaded 2003
794. Margin Call 2011
793. Phenomena 1985
792. The Starfish 1928
791. Logan 2017
790. 28 Days Later... 2002
789. The 39 Steps 1935
788. Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? 1966
787. The Phantom Carriage 1921
786. The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover 1989
785. Drunken Master 1978
784. Arrival 2016
783. Baraka 1992
782. Brimstone 2016
781. Inside Out 2015
780. Planet of the Apes 1968
779. Dog Day Afternoon 1975
778. Embers 2015
777. Straw Dogs 1971
776. Kind Hearts and Coronets 1949
775. Coffee and Cigarettes 2003
774. Driving Miss Daisy 1989
773. A Woman Is a Woman 1961
772. Broken Blossoms 1919
771. Last Tango in Paris 1972
770. Avatar 2009
769. Zatoichi 2003
768. Hoop Dreams 1994
767. Crumb 1994
766. The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada 2005
765. The Handmaiden 2016
764. Kung Fu Hustle 2004
763. Carlito's Way 1993
762. Zulu 1964
761. The Longest Day 1962
760. Les Misérables 2012
759. After Hours 1985
758. Breakfast at Tiffany's 1961
757. The Bridge 1959
756. Zelig 1983
755. I Vitelloni 1953
754. Snowpiercer 2013
753. I Am Cuba 1964
752. The Return 2003
751. L'argent 1983
750. Fail-Safe 1964
749. Quiz Show 1994
748. What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? 1962
747. The Thief of Bagdad 1940
746. Nanook of the North 1922
745. The Grapes of Wrath 1940
744. The Life of Oharu 1952
743. The Skin I Live In 2011
742. Bridge of Spies 2015
741. The Day of the Jackal 1973
740. Sexmission 1984
739. Interstellar 2014
738. Rebel Without a Cause 1955
737. Five Easy Pieces 1970
736. The Imitation Game 2014
735. Pirates of the Caribbean 2003
734. Schizopolis 1996
733. I Stand Alone 1998
732. WarGames 1983
731. The Great Train Robbery 1903
730. Star Trek 2009
729. True Romance 1993
728. Sin City 2005
727. Roma 1972
726. Thelma & Louise 1991
725. The Hurt Locker 2008
724. O Brother, Where Art Thou? 2000
723. Falling Down 1993
722. Forbidden Planet 1956
721. Carol 2015
720. Letters from Iwo Jima 2006
719. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone 2001
718. The Usual Suspects 1995
717. Ivan Vasilievich: Back to the Future 1973
716. Cremator 1969
715. In the Name of the Father 1993
714. The Revenant 2015
713. The Cameraman 1928
712. Zorba the Greek 1964
711. Infernal Affairs 2002
710. Onibaba 1964
709. The Raid: Redemption 2011
708. Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring 2003
707. Collateral 2004
706. La Haine 1995
705. Irreversible 2002
704. Mouchette 1967
703. The Abyss 1989
702. Bonnie and Clyde 1967
701. Die Hard 1988
700. Italian for Beginners 2000
699. The King's Speech 2010
698. True Grit 2010
697. Gattaca 1997
696. Office Space 1999
695. Stranger Than Fiction 2006
694. Going to Bed Under Difficulties 1900
693. The 36th Chamber of Shaolin 1978
692. A Hard Day's Night 1964
691. Nebraska 2013
690. This Is England 2006
689. (500) Days of Summer 2009
688. Nosferatu the Vampyre 1979
687. 127 Hours 2010
686. Babel 2006
685. The Magnificent Seven 1960
684. Harakiri 1962
683. Mission: Impossible 1996
682. A Single Man 2009
681. Chicken Run 2000
680. Dead Poets Society 1989
679. Big Fish 2003
678. In the Heat of the Night 1967
677. On the Silver Globe 1988
676. The Scarlet Empress 1934
675. The Tenant 1976
674. Woman in the Dunes 1964
673. Grave of the Fireflies 1988
672. Bad Boy Bubby 1993
671. Strangers on a Train 1951
670. Gertie the Dinosaur 1914
669. Lord of the Flies 1963
668. Inception 2010
667. The Invisible Man 1933
666. Hacksaw Ridge 2016
665. From Dusk Till Dawn 1996
664. A Beautiful Mind 2001
663. Pumping Iron 1977
662. Ordinary People 1980
661. How Far, How Near 1972
660. The Royal Tenenbaums 2001
659. Mrs. Miniver 1942
658. You Can't Take It with You 1938
657. Don't Look Now 1973
656. Doctor Zhivago 1965
655. Elite Squad 2007
654. Chungking Express 1994
653. Spotlight 2015
652. Hannah and Her Sisters 1986
651. The Iron Giant 1999
650. My Fair Lady 1964
649. Mr. Nobody 2009
648. The Devils 1971
647. The Best Years of Our Lives 1946
646. About Time 2013
645. John Wick 2014
644. The Fighter 2010
643. 300 2006
642. Antichrist 2009
641. The White Ribbon 2009
640. Good Bye Lenin! 2003
639. Shoeshine 1946
638. The Arrival of a Train 1896
637. Inherent Vice 2014
636. Everest 2015
635. The Machinist 2004
634. Stand by Me 1986
633. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington 1939
632. Munich 2005
631. The Great Beauty 2013
630. Seven Psychopaths 2012
629. Kin-dza-dza! 1986
628. Before Sunrise 1995
627. The Last Samurai 2003
626. Mystic River 2003
625. Blow 2001
624. Divorce Italian Style 1961
623. Up in the Air 2009
622. Resident Evil 2002
621. Up 2009
620. Pierrot le Fou 1965
619. Gettysburg 1993
618. Hot Fuzz 2007
617. Bunker Palace Hôtel 1989
616. Duck, You Sucker 1971
615. The Boondock Saints 1999
614. Clerks 1994
613. Blade 1998
612. Sonatine 1993
611. Ida 2013
610. Teorema 1968
609. Gummo 1997
608. Heist 2001
607. The Big Feast 1973
606. Catch Me If You Can 2002
605. Kids 1995
604. Fury 1936
603. The Prestige 2006
602. Sleuth 1972
601. Cinema Paradiso 1988
600. Koyaanisqatsi 1982
599. Killer of Sheep 1978
598. Saturday Night Fever 1977
597. Now You See Me 2013
596. Le Samouraï 1967
595. Repulsion 1965
594. Shane 1953
593. The Merchant of Four Seasons 1972
592. Before the Devil Knows You're Dead 2007
591. The Manchurian Candidate 1962
590. Monsieur Verdoux 1947
589. Rififi 1955
588. Chef 2014
587. A Wednesday 2008
586. Room 2015
585. The Nice Guys 2016
584. Her 2013
583. A Trip to the Moon 1898
582. I Spit on Your Grave 1978
581. Star Trek: First Contact 1996
580. House of Flying Daggers 2004
579. In Bruges 2008
578. Titanic 1997
577. The Spirit of the Beehive 1973
576. Aparajito 1956
575. I Don't Want to Be a Man 1918
574. The Idiots 1998
573. Borat 2006
572. Sicario 2015
571. The Grand Budapest Hotel 2014
570. The Life of Emile Zola 1937
569. The Fifth Element 1997
568. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid 1969
567. Pinocchio 1940
566. Brother 1997
565. 21 Grams 2003
564. Gandhi 1982
563. The Incredibles 2004
562. Branded to Kill 1967
561. The Lobster 2015
560. Ninotchka 1939
559. Fanny and Alexander 1982
558. Oedipus Rex 1967
557. Kings of the Road 1976
556. Enter the Dragon 1973
555. Hotel Rwanda 2004
554. Warrior 2011
553. The Salvation 2014
552. Bugs Bunny Gets the Boid 1942
551. Amores Perros 2000
550. Dark City 1998
549. GoldenEye 1995
548. Rope 1948
547. A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence 2014
546. Fiddler on the Roof 1971
545. Slumdog Millionaire 2008
544. East of Eden 1955
543. The Rocky Horror Picture Show 1975
542. The Marriage of Maria Braun 1979
541. The Conversation 1974
540. 2046 2046
539. Black Swan 2010
538. Pi 1998
537. About Schmidt 2002
536. V for Vendetta 2005
535. Dog Days 2001
534. The Artist 2011
533. Fireworks 1997
532. Total Recall 1990
531. Fury 2014
530. Run Lola Run 1998
529. It's Such a Beautiful Day 2012
528. Rain Man 1988
527. Drive 2011
526. A Serious Man 2009
525. Midnight in Paris 2011
524. Crazy, Stupid, Love. 2011
523. Moneyball 2011
522. The Martian 2015
521. Limitless 2011
520. Goldfinger 1964
519. Steamboat Bill, Jr. 1928
518. The Edge 1997
517. The Pink Panther 1963
516. Gran Torino 2008
515. Paisan 1946
514. Encounters at the End of the World 2007
513. Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory 1971
512. Summer with Monika 1953
511. Ocean's Eleven 2001
510. Short Cuts 1993
509. Kwaidan 1964
508. Trouble in Paradise 1932
507. The Untouchables 1987
506. Trading Places 1983
505. Match Point 2005
504. All That Jazz 1979
503. Hunger 2008
502. Let the Right One In 2008
501. Winter Light 1963
500. Sideways 2004
499. The Band's Visit 2007
498. Shadow of a Doubt 1943
497. Arsenic and Old Lace 1944
496. Oliver Twist 1948
495. Nashville 1975
494. Apocalypto 2006
493. The Elephant Man 1980
492. The Wolf of Wall Street 2013
491. Zodiac 2007
490. All About My Mother 1999
489. Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse 1991
488. Aliens 1986
487. A Woman Under the Influence 1974
486. Diabolique 1955
485. Network 1976
484. 12 Years a Slave 2013
483. Gimme Shelter 1970
482. Prisoners 2013
481. King Kong 2005
480. Roman Holiday 1953
479. Mutiny on the Bounty 1935
478. The Counterfeiters 2007
477. Night and Fog 1956
476. The Lady Eve 1941
475. Inside Llewyn Davis 2013
474. Alexander Nevsky 1938
473. Dawn of the Dead 2004
472. The Deer Hunter 1978
471. Maria Full of Grace 2004
470. Masculin Féminin 1966
469. American Splendor 2003
468. The Bourne Identity 2002
467. Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner 2001
466. Chariots of Fire 1981
465. Judgment at Nuremberg 1961
464. Donnie Darko 2001
463. My Life to Live 1962
462. A Short Film About Killing 1988
461. Battle Royale 2000
460. Close-Up 1990
459. Jackie Brown 1997
458. The Master 2012
457. Dancer in the Dark 2000
456. Fantastic Mr. Fox 2009
455. Gosford Park 2001
454. Punch-Drunk Love 2002
453. The Twelve Tasks of Asterix 1976
452. Touch of Evil 1958
451. Bimbo's Initiation 1931
450. Elephant 2003
449. The Young Girls of Rochefort 1967
448. The Seashell and the Clergyman 1928
447. Man with a Movie Camera 1929
446. Rome, Open City 1945
445. The French Connection 1971
444. Skyfall 2012
443. Open Range 2003
442. El Topo 1970
441. The Endurance 2000
440. The Sixth Sense 1999
439. The Lion King 1994
438. The Big Heat 1953
437. His Girl Friday 1940
436. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan 1982
435. Mommy 2014
434. Dazed and Confused 1993
433. Naked Lunch 1991
432. L'Age d'Or 1930
431. The Maltese Falcon 1941
430. Europa 1991
429. Witness for the Prosecution 1957
428. Do the Right Thing 1989
427. Howl's Moving Castle 2004
426. Children of Paradise 1945
425. The Thin Man 1934
424. Blood Simple. 1984
423. Wings of Desire 1987
422. Dial M for Murder 1954
421. Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters 1985
420. The Trial 1962
419. Belle de Jour 1967
418. Ivan the Terrible, Part I 1945
417. Time of the Gypsies 1988
416. Captain Phillips 2013
415. The Magnificent Ambersons 1942
414. Starship Troopers 1997
413. Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom 1975
412. Nashville 1975
411. Vivre sa vie 1962
410. Gangs of New York 2002
409. Pink Floyd: The Wall 1982
408. Snatch 2000
407. Superman 1978
406. Catch-22 1970
405. The Last Picture Show 1971
404. Midnight Cowboy 1969
403. City of God 2002
402. The Ten Commandments 1956
401. The Kid 1921
400. The Party 1968
399. Ghostbusters 1984
398. Monster 2003
397. Million Dollar Baby 2004
396. Cool Hand Luke 1967
395. Princess Mononoke 1997
394. A Fistful of Dollars 1964
393. Stroszek 1977
392. Decapitation in Turkey 1904
391. Nightcrawler 2014
390. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof 1958
389. Mother's Day 1993
388. The Nights of Cabiria 1957
387. From Here to Eternity 1953
386. Incendies 2010
385. Top Hat 1935
384. The Punch Bowl 1944
383. MASH 1970
382. On the Waterfront 1954
381. Manchester by the Sea 2016
380. Gone Girl 2014
379. Rush 2013
378. Shutter Island 2010
377. Borgman 2013
376. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari 1920
375. Ordet 1955
374. The Salesman 2016
373. The Game 1997
372. Moonlight 2016
371. La La Land 2016
370. Days of Heaven 1978
369. Ex Machina 2014
368. Boyhood 2014
367. Moonrise Kingdom 2012
366. The Wrestler 2008
365. Iron Man 2008
364. Playtime 1967
363. Platoon 1986
362. Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol 2011
361. The Hidden Fortress 1958
360. Melancholia 2011
359. Chinatown 1974
358. A History of Violence 2005
357. Léon: The Professional 1994
356. High and Low 1963
355. Napoleon 1927
354. Deliverance 1972
353. RoboCop 1987
352. An American in Paris 1951
351. City of Women 1980
350. The Social Network 2010
349. The Terminator 1984
348. Ratatouille 2007
347. Edge of Tomorrow 2014
346. King Kong 1933
345. Minority Report 2002
344. The Illusionist 2006
343. Broken Flowers 2005
342. House of Games 1987
341. The Phantom of Liberty 1974
340. Pan's Labyrinth 2006
339. Rocco and His Brothers 1960
338. A Trip to the Moon 1902
337. The Dark Knight 2008
336. Erin Brockovich 2000
335. Groundhog Day 1993
334. The NeverEnding Story 1984
333. Little Miss Sunshine 2006
332. Inland Empire 2006
331. Brokeback Mountain 2005
330. Head-On 2004
329. Pickpocket 1959
328. Dances with Wolves 1990
327. Braveheart 1995
326. Three Colors: Red 1994
325. Birdman 2014
324. Oldboy 2003
323. The Thing 1982
322. Lost in Translation 2003
321. Memories of Murder 2003
320. Antarctica: A Year on Ice 2013
319. The Five Obstructions 2003
318. The Pianist 2002
317. Duck Amuck 1953
316. A Separation 2011
315. The Earrings of Madame de... 1953
314. The Kiss 1900
313. The Cranes Are Flying 1957
312. Unforgiven 1992
311. The Mother and the Whore 1973
310. Back to the Future 1985
309. The Experiment 2001
308. The Blues Brothers 1980
307. Carrie 1976
306. Three Colors: Blue
305. Synecdoche, New York 2008
304. Before Sunset 2004
303. La Strada 1954
302. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance 1962
301. Kagemusha 1980
300. Badlands 1973
299. The Name of the Rose 1986
298. Being John Malkovich 1999
297. Manderlay 2005
296. The Piano Teacher 2001
295. Y Tu Mamá También 2001
294. The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou 2004
293. Videodrome 1983
292. Monsieur Hulot's Holiday 1953
291. Gravity 2013
290. The Human Condition I: No Greater Love 1959
289. The Green Mile 1999
288. Life of Pi 2012
287. L.A. Confidential 1997
286. Children of Men 2006
285. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 2004
284. Dressed to Kill 1980
283. Memento 2000
282. Holy Motors 2012
281. Gladiator 2000
280. Rushmore 1998
279. Good Will Hunting 1997
278. Alphaville 1965
277. The Philadelphia Story 1940
276. The Man from Earth 2007
275. Airplane! 1980
274. Quest for Fire 1981
273. Freaks 1932
272. Se7en 1995
271. Crimson Tide 1995
270. Toy Story 1995
269. To Kill a Mockingbird 1962
268. Heat 1995
267. American Beauty 1999
266. My Neighbor Totoro 1988
265. Le Cercle Rouge 1970
264. The Shawshank Redemption 1994
263. A Man for All Seasons 1966
262. Russian Ark 2002
261. Into the Wild 2007
260. Fight Club 1999
259. Ace in the Hole 1951
258. Master and Commander 2003
257. Strike 1925
256. Simon of the Desert 1965
255. Boogie Nights 1997
254. Down by Law 1986
253. The Hunt for Red October 1990
252. Stranger Than Paradise 1984
251. No Man's Land 2001
250. Wild Tales 2014
249. McCabe & Mrs. Miller 1971
248. Buena Vista Social Club 1999
247. Hero 2002
246. The Exorcist 1973
245. La Jetée 1962
244. Dersu Uzala 1975
243. Reservoir Dogs 1992
242. Fitzcarraldo 1982
241. Cries & Whispers 1972
240. The Birds 1963
239. The African Queen 1951
238. Toni Erdmann 2016
237. Rio Bravo 1959
236. Annie Hall 1977
235. In the Realm of the Senses 1976
234. Cleo from 5 to 7 1962
233. Django Unchained 2012
232. Mulholland Dr. 2001
231. Ali: Fear Eats the Soul 1974
230. Moon 2009
229. Whiplash 2014
228. Dirty Harry 1971
227. The Wild Bunch 1969
226. The Great Dictator 1940
225. Double Indemnity 1944
224. The Graduate 1967
223. Satantango 1994
222. In the Mood for Love 2000
221. Blow-Up 1966
220. Why Does Herr R. Run Amok? 1970
219. The Leopard 1963
218. Beauty and the Beast 1946
217. Sullivan's Travels 1941
216. This Is Spinal Tap 1984
215. The Tree of Life 2011
214. All Quiet on the Western Front 1930
213. Entr'acte 1924
212. Yi Yi 2000
211. A.I. Artificial Intelligence 2001
210. Our Hospitality 1923
209. Nosferatu 1922
208. Ugetsu 1953
207. Mad Max: Fury Road 2015
206. The Triplets of Belleville 2003
205. Ivan's Childhood 1962
204. Yojimbo 1961
203. To Be or Not to Be 1942
202. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas 1998
201. The Big Short 2015
200. The River 1951
199. Ben-Hur 1959
198. The Lives of Others 2006
197. Caché 2005
196. Modern Times 1936
195. Hiroshima Mon Amour 1959
194. Crimes and Misdemeanors 1989
193. Rosemary's Baby 1968
192. The Sun 2005
191. Throne of Blood 1957
190. 25th Hour 2002
189. Pather Panchali 1955
188. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade 1989
187. A Day in the Country 1936
186. The Silence of the Lambs 1991
185. Weekend 1967
184. American Psycho 2000
183. Requiem for a Dream 2000
182. The Exterminating Angel 1962
181. The Gold Rush 1925
180. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 2000
179. Black Cat, White Cat 1998
178. The Thin Red Line 1998
177. American History X 1998
176. Downfall 2004
175. Kill Bill: Vol. 1 2003
174. The Princess Bride 1987
173. District 9 2009
172. Easy Rider 1969
171. The 400 Blows 1959
170. Touching the Void 2003
169. Funny Games 1997
168. Au Hasard Balthazar 1966
167. All About Eve 1950
166. Trainspotting 1996
165. The Sting 1973
164. A Man Escaped 1956
163. The Bridge on the River Kwai 1957
162. True Lies 1994
161. The Young and the Damned 1950
160. Black Hawk Down 2001
159. Schindler's List 1993
158. F for Fake 1973
157. Jaws 1975
156. Ikiru 1952
155. Blue Velvet 1986
154. 1984 1984
153. Saving Private Ryan 1998
152. Blade Runner 1982
151. E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial 1982
150. The Shining 1980
149. The Umbrellas of Cherbourg 1964
148. Fantastic Planet 1973
147. Victoria 2015
146. The Fall 2006
145. Last Year at Marienbad 1961
144. La Soufrière 1977
143. Adaptation. 2002
142. The Holy Mountain 1973
141. Jesus Christ Superstar 1973
140. Mean Streets 1973
139. No Country for Old Men 2007
138. The Conformist 1970
137. Gone with the Wind 1939
136. Once Upon a Time in the West 1968
135. Delicatessen 1991
134. Andrei Rublev 1966
133. Jules and Jim 1962
132. Rebecca 1940
131. WALL·E 2008
130. Hard to Be a God 2013
129. M 1931
128. Nostalgia 1983
127. The Hunt 2012
126. Spartacus 1960
125. Some Like It Hot 1959
124. Brazil 1985
123. 12 Angry Men 1957
122. Wild Strawberries 1957
121. North by Northwest 1959
120. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre 1948
119. Bicycle Thieves 1948
118. Ashes and Diamonds 1958
117. Black Narcissus 1947
116. The Red Shoes 1948
115. A Fish Called Wanda 1988
114. Alien 1979
113. The Departed 2006
112. Metropolis 1927
111. Sunrise 1927
110. The Night of the Hunter 1955
109. Barton Fink 1991
108. Sunrise 1926
107. Un Chien Andalou 1929
106. It Happened One Night 1934
105. The Great Escape 1963
104. Battleship Potemkin 1925
103. Festen 1998
102. The Act of Killing 2012
101. Grizzly Man 2005
100. Inglourious Basterds 2009
99. The Big Lebowski 1998
98. Brief Encounter 1945
97. Seven Samurai 1954
96. Late Spring 1949
95. The General 1926
94. Breathless 1960
93. Casino 1995
92. Singin' in the Rain 1952
91. Fantasia 1940
90. The Battle of Algiers 1966
89. The Rules of the Game 1939
88. Shoah 1985
87. The Mirror 1975
86. L'Atalante 1934
85. Full Metal Jacket 1987
84. Almost Famous 2000
83. Underground 1995
82. Dogville 2003
81. Monty Python and the Holy Grail 1975
80. Vertigo 1958
79. Amélie 2001
78. Werckmeister Harmonies 2000
77. Fellini's Satyricon 1969
76. Rocky 1976
75. The Adventures of Prince Achmed 1926
74. The Fly 1986
73. Spirited Away 2001
72. Star Wars Trilogy 1977
71. The Matrix 1999
70. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly 1966
69. Eyes Wide Shut 1999
68. Amarcord 1973
67. Once Upon a Time in America 1984
66. Fargo 1996
65. Ran 1985
64. Magnolia 1999
63. The Awful Truth 1937
62. Life Is Beautiful 1997
61. Breaking the Waves 1996
60. Jurassic Park 1993
59. Twelve Monkeys 1995
58. Forrest Gump 1994
57. The Message 1976
56. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 1975
55. Manhattan 1979
54. The Wizard of Oz 1939
53. The Apartment 1960
52. Contempt 1963
51. Raging Bull 1980
50. My Darling Clementine 1946
49. Girls in Uniform 1931
48. Goodfellas 1990
47. Pulp Fiction 1994
46. There Will Be Blood 2007
45. Paris, Texas 1984
44. Scarface 1983
43. Raiders of the Lost Ark 1981
42. Stalker 1979
41. Dr. Strangelove 1964
40. The Passion of Joan of Arc 1928
39. Lord of the Rings Trilogy 2001
38. Patton 1970
37. The Godfather Duology 1972
36. A Clockwork Orange 1971
35. Tokyo Story 1953
34. High Noon 1952
33. Safety Last! 1923
32. The Searchers 1956
31. Rashomon 1950
30. Barry Lyndon 1975
29. 1963
28. Persona 1966
27. Apocalypse Now 1979
26. Amadeus 1984
25. The Seventh Seal 1957
24. Solaris 1972
23. Life of Brian 1979
22. City Lights 1931
21. Taxi Driver 1976
20. It's a Wonderful Life 1946
19. Terminator 2 1991
18. Aguirre, the Wrath of God 1972
17. La Dolce Vita 1960
16. Viridiana 1961
15. Notorious 1946
14. Sherlock Jr. 1924
13. Sunset Blvd. 1950
12. Das Boot 1981
11. Psycho 1960
10. La Grande Illusion 1937
9. Chimes at Midnight 1965
8. Paths of Glory 1957
7. The Third Man 1949
6. Come and See 1985
5. Casablanca 1942
4. Rear Window 1954
3. Lawrence of Arabia 1962
2. 2001: A Space Odyssey 1968
1. Citizen Kane 1941
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